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Factors That Could Impede the Mediation Process in Minnesota
Mediation isn’t magic. It can help parties at odds find common ground, but some factors can make the process more challenging. Understanding those factors will help you decide if mediation is the right choice.
Fair Use Guidelines Governing Copyrights in Minnesota
Those accused of copyright infringement often attempt to justify their actions under fair use guidelines. Whether you’re facing accusations of copyright infringement or you’re concerned that another party has infringed upon your intellectual property rights, an IP attorney can help.
When to Hire a Minnesota Business Litigation Attorney
There are several benefits to working with a business litigation attorney. Your attorney can help you lay a solid foundation for your company, resolve legal disputes as they arise, and provide you with customized and effective legal solutions to any number of issues.
How an IP Attorney Can Help You Resolve Copyright Issues in Minnesota
Authors of original works have exclusive rights over their creations, such as the right to perform, reproduce, or distribute the work. If someone is infringing on your rights, working with an experienced IP attorney can ensure that you secure a favorable outcome.
Litigation vs. Mediation for Resolving Business Disputes in Minnesota
Litigation provides a forum for the parties to resolve complex or adversarial business disputes, while mediation often serves those committed to collaboratively reaching an agreement. Talk to a knowledgeable business attorney today to learn more.
Preparing for Child Custody Mediation in Minnesota
The mediation process in Minnesota allows parents to negotiate a parenting plan and other child custody matters. By focusing on the ultimate goal, preparing questions ahead of time, and actively participating in the process, you’re likely to obtain a successful outcome.
Common Questions About the Mediation Process in Minnesota, Answered
People often have questions about the mediation process in Minnesota. Get in touch with an experienced business and family law mediator to learn more about whether mediation can help you obtain your desired outcome.
What to Expect From the Business Litigation Process in Minnesota
The business litigation process may seem intimidating, so it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of what to expect at each step. Working with a skilled attorney is the best way to ensure your interests remain protected.